It was concerning to learn this morning that children in four Island schools have been breathing in radon gas at levels that present health risks to them and their teachers. I call on Government to immediately invest in air ventilation systems in Island schools to ensure the long-term health of our children, their teachers, and other school staff.
The Liberal Official Opposition has been calling on Government to improve air ventilation and air quality in Island schools since 2019. It is unacceptable to learn today that not only have these calls been ignored, but that the inaction of this government has put Island children and Island teachers at risk.
Radon is an invisible, odorless radioactive gas that is the result of breakdown in soil and rock. According to the Canadian Lung Association, it is the second leading cause of lung cancer in Canada. When inhaled, radioactive particles can damage cells in the lung lining.
Islanders place their trust in Government to ensure children are safe and healthy at Island schools. To have radioactive material in the air at high levels is simply a failure that must be corrected.
It is worth noting that the reporting this morning on this health issue did not include any statement from the Premier, his Minster of Education or his Minister of Health. Why is the safety of our children and their teachers not seen as a priority by this Government?
The Public Schools Branch has only tested 20 of the 62 public schools in the province with four reporting radon levels that are unhealthy. They have committed to further testing and “mitigating” measures within two years. This should be prioritized, and action taken before the start of this school year.
Health Canada tells us this gas is unhealthy and cancer causing. Immediate action is required. Government needs to act without delay.
Media Contact
Robert Godfrey
Official Opposition Office