November 4, 2022
Tignish-Palmer Road MLA Hal Perry Today Issued the Following Statement on the Closure of Western Hospital's Collaborative Emergency Centre:
“The King Government continues to show its lack of competence and respect for Islanders this week.
“Healthcare services have been deteriorating at Western Hospital, especially with so much uncertainty around its Collaborative Emergency Centre. It closed for a few weeks in August, then re-opened in early September, and now it’s closed again until at least January 2023. This kind of back-and-forth is causing a lot of anxiety for residents because they’re not confident if they’ll get the emergency care they need, when they need it.
“As the news came late Thursday afternoon, Friday’s Question Period in the Legislature was the first opportunity to hold the government accountable for its decision, but the Minister of Health wasn’t even there.
“The PCs campaigned on restoring the public’s faith in government and one of the things it did was to develop a fixed legislative calendar so all MLAs can manage their activities around when the Legislature is in session.
“Not only is the King government continuing to mismanage the health file, it’s not even giving residents the respect by being present in the Legislature so we, as the opposition, can hold them accountable and ask about the decisions affecting the delivery of health care services in our communities.”
Hal Perry, MLA
Tignish-Palmer Road